Why Won’t Windows 11 Start on VirtualBox – 2023

Why Won't Windows 11 Start on VirtualBox - 2023
Why Won’t Windows 11 Start on VirtualBox – 2023

Why Won’t Windows 11 Start on VirtualBox If you’re trying to run Windows 11 on VirtualBox, you may
have encountered some issues preventing you from running the operating system.

In this article, we’ll explore some virtual box for windows 11 of the reasons why Windows 11 won’t start
on VirtualBox and provide solutions to help you get your virtual machine up and

Will Windows 11 run in a virtual machine?

Yes, Windows 11 can be installed and run in a virtual
machine. As long as the virtualization software you’re using supports the
necessary hardware virtualization features (such as Intel VT-x or AMD-V).

modern virtualization software, such as Oracle VirtualBox, VMWare, or Hyper-V,
should be able to run Windows 11 in a virtual machine without any issues. so provided
your host computer meets the system requirements for running Windows 11.

However, it’s worth noting that running an operating system
in a virtual machine. will generally result in some performance overhead
compared to running it directly on the host hardware. Additionally, some
hardware features (such as graphics acceleration) may not be available or fully
functional in a virtual machine. depending on the virtualization software and
settings used.

Read More: windows 11 activation txt msguides 

How to Install Windows 11 on VirtualBox

Understanding the Requirements

Before we dive into the reasons why Windows 11 may not starton VirtualBox. let’s first take a look at the system requirements for running
Windows 11 on a virtual machine:

  • A processor that supports virtualization and has at least 2
    cores (Intel or AMD)
  • 4 GB of RAM or more
  • 64 GB of storage or more
  • A DirectX 12 compatible graphics card or integrated GPU with
    a WDDM 2.0 driver
  • A display with at least 720p resolution

If your system meets these requirements, you should be able
to run Windows 11 on VirtualBox without any issues.

However, if you’re still having
trouble getting your virtual machine to work, here are some possible reasons

Outdated VirtualBox Version

One of the most common reasons why Windows 11 won’t start on
VirtualBox is an outdated version of the virtualization software. VirtualBox needs
to be updated regularly to support the latest operating systems and features.

Solution: To update VirtualBox, go to the official
VirtualBox website and download the latest version. Install it on your computer
and try running Windows 11 on VirtualBox again.

Incompatible VirtualBox Settings

VirtualBox has many settings that can be adjusted to
optimize the virtual machine for a specific operating system. If these settings
are not configured correctly, they can cause issues when trying to run Windows

Solution: Check your VirtualBox settings to ensure that they
are configured correctly for Windows 11. Specifically, make sure that the
virtual machine has at least 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB of storage, and that the
virtualization settings are enabled.

Insufficient System Resources

Virtual machines require a significant amount of system
resources to run smoothly. If your computer doesn’t have enough resources, it
may not be able to run Windows 11 on VirtualBox.

Solution: Check your computer’s resource usage to see if are using too much
CPU, RAM, or disk. Close any unnecessary programs and try running Windows 11 on
VirtualBox again.

Unsupported Virtualization Features

Windows 11 requires certain virtualization features to be
enabled in the BIOS of your computer. If these features are not enabled,
VirtualBox may not be able to run Windows 11.

Solution: Check your computer’s BIOS settings to ensure that
virtualization features are enabled. Look for settings such as
“VT-x,” “AMD-V,” or “Virtualization Technology”
and make sure they are enabled.

VirtualBox Extension Pack Missing

VirtualBox Extension Pack is a set of additional features
and functionalities that enhance the virtualization software. Without this
pack, you may encounter issues when trying to run Windows 11 on VirtualBox.

Solution: Download and install VirtualBox Extension Pack
from the official VirtualBox website. Once installed, restart VirtualBox and
try running Windows 11 again.

Windows 11 ISO File Corruption

If the Windows 11 ISO file is corrupted or damaged, you may
encounter issues when trying to install and run the operating system on

Solution: Download a new copy of the Windows 11 ISO file
from the official Microsoft website and try installing it on VirtualBox again.


Running Windows 11 on VirtualBox can be a great way to test
the operating system without affecting your primary computer. However, there
are several reasons why Windows 11 may not start on VirtualBox.


What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a virtualization software that allows users to
run multiple operating systems on a single computer. It enables the user to
create virtual machines that can be used to install and run various operating
systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. Here are the three most important
things to know about VirtualBox:

  • It is free and open source.
  • It can be used on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • It allows users to create and run virtual machines.

What is Windows 11 VirtualBox screen resolution?

Windows 11 VirtualBox screen resolution is the size and
clarity of the display of a Windows 11 virtual machine running on VirtualBox.
By default, the screen resolution of a Windows 11 virtual machine running on
VirtualBox is usually set to a low value, which can make the display appear
blurry and pixelated. Here are the three most important things to know about Windows
11 VirtualBox screen resolution:

  1. The default screen resolution of a Windows 11 virtual
    machine running on VirtualBox is usually set to a low value.
  2. Adjusting the screen resolution can improve the clarity of
    the display.
  3. The screen resolution of a Windows 11 virtual machine can be
    adjusted within the virtual machine settings.

How can I adjust the screen resolution of a Windows 11
virtual machine in VirtualBox?

To adjust the screen resolution of a Windows 11 virtual
machine in VirtualBox, follow these steps:

  1. Start the virtual machine and log in to Windows 11.
  2. Click the Start menu and open the Settings app.
  3. Click on System, then Display.
  4. Under Display resolution, select a higher resolution from
    the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Apply.

Here are the three most important things to know about
adjusting the screen resolution of a Windows 11 virtual machine in VirtualBox:

  • The virtual machine must be running and Windows 11 must be
    logged in.
  • The settings can be accessed through the Windows 11 Settings
  • A higher resolution can be selected from the Display

Why is my Windows 11 VirtualBox screen resolution not

If you are unable to change the screen resolution of your
Windows 11 virtual machine in VirtualBox, there could be a few reasons why.
Here are some of the most common reasons why the screen resolution may not

  1. The VirtualBox Guest Additions software is not installed.
  2. The display driver in Windows 11 is not functioning
  3. The virtual machine settings are not configured correctly.

Here are the three most important things to know if your
Windows 11 VirtualBox screen resolution is not changing:

  1. The VirtualBox Guest Additions software is required for
    changing the screen resolution.
  2. The display driver in Windows 11 may need to be updated or
  3. The virtual machine settings may need to be reviewed and
    configured correctly.

How do I install VirtualBox Guest Additions?

To install VirtualBox Guest Additions in a Windows 11
virtual machine, follow these steps:

  1. Start the virtual machine and log in to Windows 11.
  2. Click on Devices in the VirtualBox menu bar and select Insert
    Guest Additions CD image.
  3. Open File Explorer and double-click on the
    VBoxWindowsAdditions installer.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  5. Restart the virtual machine.

Here are the three most important things to know about
installing VirtualBox Guest Additions:

  1. It is required for changing the screen resolution of a
    Windows 11 virtual machine.
  2. It is installed through the VirtualBox menu bar.
  3. The installation process is straightforward and involves

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