Raid Shadow Legends Star War Artifacts: How to Obtain and Utilize Them

raid shadow legends star war artifacts As a fan of Raid Shadow Legends. you might have noticed the introduction of Star War Artifacts in the game. raid artifact guide These artifacts offer unique bonuses that can make a huge difference in battles. In this article, we will explore what Star War Artifacts are. star war rule 34 how to obtain them. how to effectively use them in the game.

raid shadow legends star war artifacts
raid shadow legends star war artifacts

What are Star War Artifacts?

Star War Artifacts are a special type of artifact that can be obtained through the Star War Event. These artifacts provide unique bonuses that are different from the bonuses provided by regular artifacts. raid shadow legends star war artifacts list artifacts.

How to Obtain Star War Artifacts

Star War Artifacts can only be obtained through the Star War Event. The Star War Event is a limited-time event that occurs periodically in the game. During the event, players can complete specific missions to obtain raid shadow legends star war artifacts reddit.

How to Use Star War Artifacts

To use Star War Artifacts, you need to equip them to your champions. Each champion can only equip one artifact of each type (weapon, shield, helmet, etc.). To equip a Star War Artifact, go to the champion screen and select the artifact slot you want to equip. Then, choose the Star War Artifact you want to equip.

Types of Star War Artifacts

There are several types of Star War Artifacts, each providing different bonuses.


Star War Weapon Artifacts provide bonuses to the attack stat of your champion.


Star War Shield Artifacts provide bonuses to the defense stat of your champion.


Star War Helmet Artifacts provide bonuses to the HP stat of your champion.


Star War Gauntlet Artifacts provide bonuses to the critical hit rate of your champion.


Star War Chestplate Artifacts provide bonuses to the accuracy stat of your champion.


Star War Boot Artifacts provide bonuses to the speed stat of your champion.

Tips for Using Star War Artifacts

To effectively use Star War Artifacts, consider the following tips:

Match Bonuses

Star War Artifacts provide unique bonuses that can be used to complement your champions’ abilities. For example, if you have a champion that relies on critical hits, equipping a Gauntlet Artifact that provides a critical hit bonus can be very effective.

Balance Your Team

When equipping Star War Artifacts, make sure to balance your team. Equipping all of your champions with Weapon Artifacts might make them hit harder, but they will also be more vulnerable to attacks.

Upgrade Your Artifacts

Just like regular artifacts, Star War Artifacts can be upgraded using silver and other artifacts. Upgrading your Star War Artifacts can provide significant bonuses that can make a huge difference in battles.


Star War Artifacts are a unique addition to Raid Shadow Legends that can provide significant bonuses to your champions. By understanding how to obtain and effectively use these artifacts, you can improve your team’s performance and increase your chances of winning battles.


  1. Can Star War Artifacts be used in all game modes?

Yes, Star War Artifacts can be used in all game modes.

  1. Can Star War Artifacts be equipped to any champion?

Yes, Star War Artifacts can be equipped to any champion as long as the champion has an open artifact slot of the corresponding type.

  1. Can Star War Artifacts be upgraded?

Yes, Star War Artifacts can be upgraded using silver and other artifacts.

  1. How often does the Star War Event occur?

The Star War Event occurs periodically

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